Sources |
- [S112] Census, 1930.
name: Leroy King
event: Census
event date: 1930
event place: District 02, Sevier, Tennessee
gender: Male
age: 8
marital status: Single
race: White
birthplace: Tennessee
estimated birth year: 1922
immigration year:
relationship to head of household: Son
father's birthplace: Tennessee
mother's birthplace: Tennessee
enumeration district number: 0002
family number: 52
sheet number and letter: 3B
line number: 74
nara publication: T626, roll 2271
film number: 2342005
digital folder number: 4547919
image number: 00599
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head Walter King M 29 Tennessee
wife Lullie King F 33 Tennessee
son Wayne King M 9 Tennessee
son Leroy King M 8 Tennessee
son Floyd King M 5 Tennessee
son Boyd King M 5 Tennessee
son Eugene King M 4 Tennessee
son Clell King M 2 Tennessee
daughter Laura King F 0 Tennessee
- [S112] Census, 1940.
name: Leroy King
titles & terms:
event: Census
event year: 1940
event place: Civil District 2, Sevier, Tennessee, United States
gender: Male
age: 18
marital status: Single
race (original):
race (standardized): White
relationship to head of household (original):
relationship to head of household (standardized): Son
birthplace: Tennessee
estimated birth year: 1922
residence in 1935: Same Place
enumeration district number: 78-2
family number: 63
sheet number and letter: 4B
line number: 76
nara publication number: T627
nara roll number: 3933
digital folder number: 005461375
image number: 00056
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head Walter H King M 39 Tennessee
wife Lillie King F 43 Tennessee
son Wayne King M 19 Tennessee
son Leroy King M 18 Tennessee
son Floyd King M 16 Tennessee
son Eugene P King M 14 Tennessee
son Clell C King M 11 Tennessee
daughter Laura King F 10 Tennessee
son Billie King M 8 Tennessee
- [S73] Rawlings Funeral Home, Book 2, 19 Sep 1982.
King, Lee Roy Abt 1922 Sept 19, 1982
Spouse: Aline
Sons: Rod, Step-Dennis Hurst
Daughters: Dona Gary, Step-Peggy Parker, Patty Mc Falling
Cemetery: Zion Grove
Brothers: Wayne, Floyd, Paul, Clell, Bill W.
Sisters: Laura Nolan
- [S34] In the Shadow of the Smokies, Smoky Mountain Historical Society, (1993), 443.